Apply to Receive Funding for DCSEU Energy Upgrades
Funding Available for District of Columbia Energy Upgrades
Global Incite is a DCSEU (DC Sustainable Energy Utility) contractor and we are now accepting applications for energy upgrades. If you own or operate a multifamily property, commercial property, shelter, or clinic serving low-to-moderate-income residents in the District or if you are an income-qualified homeowner or renter in addition to benefitting from significant savings in energy costs, you can also qualify for up to 70% funding on your projects!
Application Deadline
Although the first round of applications is completed, we are still taking submissions for when IQEF opens back up and for placement in other programs.
Currently Accepting Applications for all DCSEU programs we will help find funding for your project
Timeline for submitted FY25 IQEF Applications (First Round)
July 29, 2024: All applications are due to Global Incite by 12 PM.
September 6, 2024: Application decisions are announced
November 1, 2024: Incentive Agreements and Work Orders issued.
March 28, 2025: All measures must be installed and finalized.
Energy Affordability for Those Who Need It Most
The Income Qualified Efficiency Fund (IQEF) offers incentives for energy upgrades in affordable multifamily housing, shelters, and qualified DC clinics.
Programs available for other commercial and residential properties are listed below. Bring us your projects so that we can help you take advantage of these financial incentives all while saving energy and reducing your carbon footprint and having a positive impact on your community and the District!
Funding is Available for the Following Types of Projects in the District
Income Qualified Efficiency Fund Direct Services (IQEF) - Efficiency retrofits including lighting, electrical heating and cooling, ventilation and controls for affordable multifamily housing, shelters, qualified clinics.
Commercial & Institutional Direct Services - Turn-key energy solutions to help commercial properties reduce their energy.
Affordable Home Electrification – Single-Family Services - Income eligible homeowners and renters living in single-family homes to electrify their home by switching from fossil fuel to electric for their home and hot water heating systems.
Refrigeration Management, Leak Detection and Repair - Refrigeration leak detection services and product and/or repair solutions for qualified facilities.
Affordable Housing Retrofit Accelerator Energy Auditing and Analysis - A comprehensive suite of technical and financial services to help affordable multifamily residential building owners decarbonize their buildings and comply with the District’s Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) by providing ASHRAE Level Auditing Services to eligible Affordable Multifamily Residential Buildings or other facilities pre-approved by DOEE (DC Department of Energy and Environment).
Affordable Housing Retrofit Accelerator Implementation Services - A comprehensive suite of technical and financial services to help affordable multifamily residential building owners decarbonize their buildings and comply with the District’s BEPS through the installation of audit-recommended measures identified through an ASHRA Level II Energy Audit.
Affordable Housing Retrofit Accelerator – Performance Testing Services - A comprehensive suite of technical and financial services to help affordable multifamily residential building owners decarbonize their buildings and comply with the District’s BEPS through the AHRA Performance Testing Program (the “Program”), which is designed to provide unit-to-unit compartmentalization performance testing to eligible Affordable Multifamily Residential Buildings or other facilities pre-approved by DOEE. These services may include but are not limited to, infiltration, duct leakage, combustion safety, and ventilation flow rate, analysis and interpretation of the performance testing results, and recommendations based on the test results.
We will guide you through the application process. Access the DCSEU’s Income Qualified Efficiency Fund (IQEF) application here. For assistance, call or email us using the contact information below.
Global Incite looks forward to partnering with you to create a more energy-efficient and sustainable future for the residents you serve!